Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Interview with Ben Anderson's brother Neil Anderson uncensored

Neil: Thanks for having me. I am Neil Anderson, the brother of the deceased Astronaut Ben Anderson who was killed by the US Government.

Tell us why you believe that

Neil: Well the US Government claims he was killed in a plane crash above the Pacific. But the Quantas flight they spoke about never happened. Also there was no single piece of the aircraft found. My brother went on this Apollo 18 mission and never returned. If aliens killed him, like suggested in the Apollo 18 movie, or if he just had an accident while being there on the moon we shall never know until the US Government finally releases the documents.

Did you go to court to get access to the documents

Neil: Yes I did. but the court rejected the law suit and never ruled. I assume they had direct orders from Washington to do so. But the US Government paid me 1 Mio USD in my bank account. I found that insulting and donated the money to an organization like Wikileaks in order to uncover the wrong doings of the US Regime. All actors like Reagan I tell you.

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