Friday, September 9, 2011

Was Ben Anderson a real Astronaut ?

Was Ben Anderson a real Astronaut ? If you have seen the new movie Apollo 18 you probably wonder if this Ben was a real Astronaut and maybe also if the sowjets ever made it to the Moon (Lunar). The answer is: Probably yes, there are so many results on search engines that it is almost impossible to fake.
There is even a movie about him. Watch the trailer:

The same like with Neil and Louis Armstrong .
More news about Astronaut Ben Anderson you find here


  1. yes probably there was never ever an apollo mission or any other kind of moon landing. it is all a hoax

    1. if you go to the moon will you still do not believe that man has gone to the moon. if you were born
      in the 1950 you will.....

  2. Louis was a great musician!! and Neil..he was great astronaut but never put his feet on the moon;he took a part in this mystification...he was patriot and he did it for the country

  3. liar! there is no MOON

  4. Coming from someone like this who thinks Louis Armstrong is a cosmonaut, I would imagine you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. People have in fact been on the moon, people. As for the movie Apollo 18--it is not a real movie.

  5. no doubt. this was a US government cover uo
