Thursday, December 8, 2011

majestic 12 - secret Alien government founded in 1947

The existence is denied by the government of the United States, indicating that it is in the documents to provethe existence of Majestic-12 in order to "crude forgeries" the principal. The FBI investigated how one could getthe Top Secret documents to the public. The investigation was completed, however, came out as that the document never actually existed. The document in question circulated widely on the Internet, including on the website of the FBI, where the said examination is documented. It deals with the investigation and cover-up of a crash of an alien spaceship through the Air Force, and the adopted home world of the object.
The committee were allegedly Vannevar Bush, Robert Oppenheimer and A. Einstein, the members wereJames V. Forrestal allegedly, Edward Teller, and the chairman of the General Staff General Nathan F.Twining. The members of this conspiracy theory claim  that the Majestic-12 operations are not restricted to the U.S., but also the People's Republic of China and Russia, and finds that are traded betweenalien technology secret agencies of these countries. They claim that MJ-12 still exists, and (possibly with the help of alien) working towards the attainment of world domination.
The alleged members of the first Majestic-12 committee are:

MJ-1: Admiral Roscoe Hillenkoetter. 1947-1950 Director of the U.S. Central Intelligence and the first director of the CIA.
Supervision of MJ-12 group.

MJ-2: Dr. Vannevar Bush. Chairman of the National Commission for Research and Defense, Office of Research and Development during the Second World War, until 1941, Chairman of the NACA, 1945-1948 Chairman of the United Council for Research and Development. Investigation of extraterrestrial technology.

MJ-3: James Forrestal. 1945-1947 Secretary of the Navy, first Secretary of Defense of the United States 1947-1949.
Military coordination of MJ-12.
  MJ-4: General Nathan F. Twining. Commander of the Air-material of the U.S. Army Air Forces and later U.S. Air Force, the headquarters of the Air Technical Intelligence at Wright Field.
Head of the rescue and investigation of alien ships.
MJ-5 gene. Hoyt Vandenberg. Chief of Army Intelligence in the Second World War. 1946-1947 News Director, 1947 Air Chief of Staff, 1947-1953 Chief of Staff, U.S. Air Force. Securing the airspace and detect extraterrestrial spaceships.

MJ-6: Dr. Detlev W. Bronk. Founder of the science of biophysics. 1946-1950 Chairman of the National Research Council, 1950-1962 President of the National Academy of Sciences, dean of the Johns Hopkins University, President of the Rockefeller Institute. Investigation of EBES, coordination of biology.

MJ-7: Dr. Jerome Hunsaker. Leading the U.S. aeronautics, engineering design and construction at the war's first aircraft in the U.S., 1921 Aero-nautical design chief 1933-51 Director of the MIT courses for mechanical.and Aeronautical Engineering, 1941 Research Coordinator, 1941-1958 Board of NACA. Coordination of the technical evaluation of extraterrestrial spaceships.
 MJ-8: Admiral Sidney Souers. First Central Intelligence Director of the United States, 1947-1950 first Executive Secretary of the National Security Council, President Truman's special adviser on security issues.
Coordination of national security issues in the MJ-12.
MJ-9: Gordon Gray. 1947-1949 Vice Defense Minister after President Truman's special adviser on matters of national security, President of the Council of the super-secret CIA psychological strategy. Aufrecherhaltung propaganda and ignorance of extraterrestrial activities, (ridicule of UFO believers).
MJ-10: Dr. Donald Menzel. 1939-1971 Professor of Astrophysics at Harvard University, 1946-1949 Head of the Astronomy Department, UFO opponents and controversial MJ-12 member, wrote many books against the existence of extraterrestrials.
Natural sciences, decryption and cryptanalysis expert.
MJ-11: Dr. V. Berkner LIoyd. Geophysicists, 1946-1947 under Prof. V. Bush Executive Secretary of the Council for Research and Development, Chairman of the Special Committee for weapons systems (radar and early warning), dealing with radio waves over long-distance transmission and electro-magnetism. Defense and defense strategy against "unknown" intruders.
MJ-12 gene. Robert Montague. 1947-1951 Commander of the AEC facility at Sandia Base New Mexico (also White Sands).
Liaison with the MJ-12 to the AEC, Atomic Energy Commission.


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