Wednesday, May 30, 2012

It is possible?

People living in the Indus Valley in the years 3 300 -1,300 BC was more developed than the civilization of ancient Rome and Mesopotamia. Climate change, however, led to his fall and made ​​the entire millennium, fell into oblivion. Only in the 20th Nineteenth century, first unearthed the remains left by that civilization. Archaeologists have determined that the areas of today's north-western India, Afghanistan and Pakistan, there were more than 5,000 years ago, the city with advanced sewer, road network and increases in the houses of brick. Residents of these facilities also came up with a letter, which until now has not been decrypted. People belonging to the Indus civilization is also able to build fortifications and levees. What's more, they were probably very high personal hygiene, because in their cities functioned baths, and in every house there was a bathroom with toilet. The buildings themselves were most often residential duplexes.Technologyused for their construction had to be extremely well developed as in those days. Among the artifacts found in the Indus Valley are meticulously crafted toys, ceramics, tools, as well as toiletries and fish-hooks. Indus civilization was not only highly developed, but also the occupied territories twice as Egypt and Mesopotamia combined. In total, the city belonging to this people were in the area extending from the surface of a million square kilometers. Originally it was thought that the people of the Indus Valley were invaded by the Aryans - the people living in central Asia in the second and third millennium BC - but the unearthed cities found no traces of the event. Therefore abandoned this theory and initiated the search for any other reason the collapse of this civilization. Another hypothesis was that the climate change extinction of the people were guilty of the Indus. It was assumed that life-giving river, on which the city developed, dried, or on the contrary - poured, pouring another village. By analyzing images satellite this area and soil samples collected in 2003-2008 in the valley of the Indus, researchers were able to accurately determine the topography of India before 3000years. Studies have shown that there was one main river, the Indus civilization which supplied the water necessary for life and development. Most likely it was the Sarasvati - sacred river of legend. Analysis of samples showed that not only she shed during rainy periods, but in other parts of the year also was vulnerable to this type of phenomenon. As a result of taking 3,000 years ago climate change was probably the biggest flood in these areas and she led the people of the Indus Valley to fall. Because this civilization was in the habit of building large cities instead of many smaller towns, have a huge natural disaster led to the death of the majority.Further climate change led to a thoroughly dry several rivers flowing in these areas and the formation of deserts. Until then, however, in the Indus Valley, there was no longer the great civilization. Maybe the same thing happened to the Inca civilization and the Egyptians advancing climate change caused by not survived the test of time .. Perhaps these civilizations are a lost city of Atlantis..or perhaps the same will happen to our civilization and the next one what come after till we will find a balance with the universe...

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