Saturday, June 2, 2012

Does space dust contains a "dormant" life?

According to one theory, bacteriacan grow in space. What's more, it is likely that our planet falling into dust, caused some outbreaks of deadly diseases. bacteria on Earth can live in various extreme conditions, both in the glaciers, as well as geothermal vents on the bottom of the oceans. After a period in which they were frozen, they can return back to life under favorable conditions, and - as if nothing had happened - to multiply further. For years, scientists ask themselves questions about the initial origin of these unusual organisms. Is it possible that life came to Earth from space on the "board" of meteorites, asteroids or comets? Does the cosmic dust falling to Earth are bacterial spores? Mysterious red dust falls on India 25 July 2001 in the town Changanacherry in the Indian state of Kerala came the dull thunder of the sky and appeared strong flash of light. A few hours later with a thick, heavy clouds began to fall the red drops of rain. There would be no surprise - July is the monsoon season in India - were it not for the fact that the rain lasted without interruption for two months, and the drops were similar to the color of blood and burned holes in the leaves on the trees. This phenomenon was observed in the shape of an ellipse with a length of 450 km and a width of 150 km. In addition, 85 percent. unknown red substance dropped during the first ten days. Dr Godfrey Louis School of Theoretical and Applied Physics at the University of Kottayam and his collaborator, Santhosh Kumar, however conducted measurements, which showed that the red substance fell to earth in quantities of 50 tonnes. Therefore, it could not be a spores of algae Trentepohlia , it would be "collected" from all over the northern hemisphere. And it was impossible. After examining the matter, the red optical microscope, it appeared that these enigmatic molecules resembling oval or spherical cells, a composition similar to biological matter. They consisted of 50 percent. from coal and 45 percent. of oxygen and also contained small amounts of sodium and iron. What's more, these strange structures have the ability to share. The only thing Dr. Luis was not in them, is DNA. Indian scientist put forward the fantastic-sounding hypothesis that the atmosphere of the state of Kerala, meteor burst, after which he ran on the coast, spreading extraterrestrial microorganisms that previously were and multiply in the nucleus of a comet. Before the meteorite is gone, he could "sow" in the clouds "space travelers", who then fell to Earth from the monsoon rain. Recent studies indicate that interstellar dust clouds, in meteorites and in the nuclei of comets are composed of organic molecules. This seems to indicate that life in the universe is widespread and unrestricted only to the Earth. Moreover, the experiments indicate that bacterial spores can land a long hibernate in extreme icy vacuum of space, provided they are protected from cosmic rays even with a thin layer of minerals. Some scientists believe that the exploding unexpectedly in various places around the globe epidemics, may have their cosmic roots. For many years he was under suspicion here is Spanish influenza, which appeared suddenly in 1918, covered the whole world and just as suddenly ended after 12 months. The disease had fallen about 500 million people, which was then about 1/3 of the world. Initially, because of severe symptoms, different from ordinary flu, it was taken for hemorrhagic fever, cholera or typhoid fever. The virus caused bleeding from the mucous membranes of the nose, stomach, intestinal and pulmonary edema, resulting in hemorrhagic bacterial pneumonia, which absorbs most of the victims. Consequence of the disease was more than 50 million deaths, more than two times higher than World War I engulfed. In addition, another unique feature of this pandemic was inverted age profile of its victims. Died mainly young people and middle-aged (20-40 years), while the flu usually dying children, the elderly and impaired immunity. It turned out that the virus caused the activation of the immune system that attack microbes infected the lungs, leading to their destruction. And because the strongest immune systems are young, they were the hardest hit by the disease. So maybe some aliens have our diseases?:)

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