Friday, June 15, 2012

Joseph Smith explains Nibiru

Joseph Smith explains Nibiru

Joseph Smith's story of Christ's Society does not differ much from the Mormon church's version, however, is at a critical point a very big difference. Namely that Christ's Society has never accepted that Joseph Smith should have had other wives or concubines than Emma Smith, they also believe that everything regarding polygamy was added after Joseph Smith's death of the Mormon Church, and that only changed in the written text to justify the practice. It is worth noting that the Ms Smith followed this part of the Mormonism and not the now high Church Mormon . Christ Society was long led by direct descendants of Joseph Smith. Furthermore, recognizing Christ Society nor the book of Abraham , in spite of the previously referenced.
Joseph Smith , founder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints claim to have discovered several celestial objects outside the solar system through reading of the religious documents of antiquity . One is Kolob , the star or planet "nearest to the throne of God" as constituting parts of Latter-day Saints theology.
In an Egyptian papyrus which Joseph Smith translated, he believes to have found evidence of other celestial bodies, including planet Oliblish and the planet Enish - go - on - DOSH .


在埃及纸莎草纸的约瑟夫史密斯翻译,他认为已发现的其他天体,包括地球Oliblish和星球Enish的证据 - 去 - - DOSH的。

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