Saturday, January 7, 2012

The legal determination of land sales on the moon

Who owns the moon??? The aliens, neil armstrong or the US government?
In the U.S. continues to apply the law to claim a claim for themselves. Dennis Hope took advantage of this right and "secured" under U.S. law accordingly parcels of land in the universe. However, neither the moon nor is one on the other celestial bodies in the solar system in American Law. Therefore remains to be seen whether those claims are actually taken into account if these celestial bodies should be settled one day. There is more than questionable whether these properties were in countries other than the United States sold legally binding.
In international law there are two contracts for this purpose: the Outer Space Treaty of 1967 and the Moon Treaty (or "Moon Treaty") of 1979, signed 1984th The former states are forbidden to acquire land in space, the others should regulate this for individuals and businesses. While the older treaty was signed by almost all UN member states, the enthusiasm was at the Moon Treaty within limits - this was signed by none in particular at the time, space-faring State. There was no significant opposition from the United States because it was feared, should valuable resources be discovered, this one could not take advantage of profitable afterwards. However, is contrary to the frequently cited arguments, no loophole, because all private property in turn is derived from a single state. Accordingly, had the land office of San Francisco, in which "declare" Dennis Hope and the United States had only ever need to have the right to transfer ownership of lunar real estate to a private person. According to generally valid law, which now belongs to the Outer Space Treaty of 1967, this law have neither the U.S. nor any other state. Furthermore, international law binds directly to the unanimous view and private individuals. For example, nobody would seriously argue that it is allows individuals and companies to possess nuclear weapons, just because the NPT States alone by the speech.
In addition, in the past has attached importance to "sell" any land which might be of scientific value (eg planned and past landing sites for missions or famous places with cultural character as the Face on Mars) to produce here no conflicts. As part of the inquisitive minds of mankind is even now pointed out, one may suffer on his property but landings of probes, even if the legal obligation no longer exists.

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