Sunday, November 13, 2011

Did Aliens help building the Pyramids???

First Myths and FactsOn my side, there are many theories about the construction and meaning of the pyramids. Still not 100% could be demonstrated, there are weaknesses in each argument, a claim could not yet answer all questions.
Reason for this puzzle rates is the inexplicable fact that there is neither evidence nor any other records of the pyramid. There are only two explanations: either the Egyptians were building the pyramids so commonplace that there was no reason for records, or it was a top secret project. As is known, praised the Pharaohs happy with their heroic deeds - but on the establishment of such enormous buildings they lose nothing, and there are no drawn scenes or something similar. Records and plans, however, must have existed, because no one would plan to build a pyramid. The question of where those plans are gone, will probably long remain the secret of the ancient Egyptians. Eventually, this information was kept in the library of Alexandria until a fire destroyed everything.
The majority of today's Egyptologists holds the tombs of the Pharaohs, pyramids, where they rely on this and other stories of Herodotus historians of antiquity. Astrology-oriented scientists to see the pyramids in replicas of the stars (Orion Mystery) or facilities that enable the prediction of the future. Another theory is that the pyramids were built in order to employ the people, because during the flood season could not be operated agriculture. Mathematics-inclined scholars believe the pyramids for the embodiment of mathematical formulas, that is an over-sized reference book. The most acceptable theory for Egyptology says that the pyramids were built by aliens. As you can see, there is speculation in all possible directions.
Herodotus, the Greek historian, was the first who reported these marvels. He traveled to Egypt in the 5thCentury before Christ - but there were already 2,000 years the pyramids. He also shall base themselves only on stories of the former population. The following was there to hear:
Cheops, the evil Pharaoh forced all subjects to assist in the pyramid. It worked per ten times ten thousand men for three months and twenty long years - that is slavery. Herodotus also reports of machines "made of short wooden blocks," philosophizes about to this day is. From the pulley up to the crane are also represented here all theses.

Today, the Egyptologists are agreed that it was almost impossible to defeat an entire nation with the whip.Proof of this can also be found in the remains of the workers' settlements, near the pyramids. This act is completely normal especially for pyramid erreichtete villages, which are not untscheiden of the actual cities.It is also assumed that some blind faith that people drove to work tirelessly at the pyramid, because who helped during the lifetime of the Pharaoh in the afterlife got credited for it plus points. Apart from this, this ancient site offered many jobs, which brought bread and perhaps prestige with it. Of skilled workers will not have any case mangling.

Second Masterpiece of organizationBefore, however, could begin construction of the pyramid - I'm not assuming that aliens were at work! - Had a functioning infrastructure to be created. This achievement for such a gigantic project to be underestimated under any circumstances, even if the Egyptians could look back at that same time on a long Grabbautradition. All skilled workers, the supply of personnel and construction workers were summoned from all parts of the country, including their accommodation had to be organized. A huge construction site was created.
A masterpiece, the organization of building materials and the timely delivery of the same of substances without a well thought-material management of the pyramids would have been possible. Not to mention the pyramids connected temple complex, which has also been built yet, as the accommodations of the workers, which is it's of thousands of people. This ancient site comprised an estimated 300,000 square meters.

Third How many people built the pyramids?There are still questions about the number of workers needed and when and how long was during a year on the pyramid. Herodotus, the ancient Greek historian, reports that will be built only during the three-month flood season, the modern Egyptology, however, increasingly represents the thesis that has worked throughout the year. Excavations at the Red Pyramid dating show on the fairing blocks to confirm this theory.
Herodotus spoke of some 100,000 workers, but so many, it may not have been. The mere fact that the site offered no place for so many people, is proof enough. Many researchers from around 36,000 workers, some even touch on just over 20,000 people. Inscriptions state that they formed groups, which he divided it into smaller subdivisions. Full details can be found nowhere, unfortunately, but it is now about 200 men from each team. Some evidence suggests even suggest that no more than three teams were in simultaneous operation. So a maximum of 3,000 workers. A number that is still amazing to think and not everyone likes.Moreover, had the above mentioned settlements for the workers to be built. Would have to build a settlement for 100,000 people will cost too much and provides too much time the population had to.

4th The basics of pyramid constructionNot be dismissed out of hand the great mathematical knowledge of the ancient Egyptians, without which the pyramids would never be able to be built. Nevertheless, it is not assumed that the Egyptians had all of today's mathematical knowledge. Remains puzzling, as the calculations of a truncated square pyramid was derived: VPyr.stupf 1/3H * = (a2 + b2 + a * b) with h: height, a: length of the base edge and b: length of the edge of the deck surface.

In the meantime, you agree that the formula for calculating the entire pyramidal volume must have been well known, and all other geometric parameters that are needed for the pyramid. Records of computing tasks for students, according to the Egyptians knew, however, the tangent is not why they chose while complicated calculation methods, but the goal came.
Another extremely important step for a perfect pyramid is staking out the pages that require a high degree of accuracy. To this day it remains unclear how the Egyptians could accomplish this feat. Guidance on how these measurements were made, it is not. Here one has to rely on speculation. The easiest way would be to use oversized Geodreicken. This method would be quite inaccurate.
Another special feature is the precise alignment of the pyramids to the cardinal directions. Were created in one of modern Egyptology is now believed that the basic orientation was the pyramid edges to the north, as the chamber systems already in the Old Kingdom.
The German Egyptologist Ludwig Borchard has come up with the idea that orientation is based on the determination of the center between the rising and sinking at the northern point of a star located Himmer.The British pyramid researcher I.E.S. Edwards proposed to build an artificial horizon, which consisted of a semicircular wall with absolutely horizontal upper edge of the wall. With a Visirinstrument the center of the semicircle of the wall construction and destruction was measured near-horizon one star. These two points were marked on the artificial horizon. Thus arose three measuring points were linked.
While this all sounds pretty simple, but in practice turns out to be quite profitable. Only the absolutely straight artificial horizon is a problem, as even the slightest movements of the observer would have led to erroneous measurements. Nevertheless, this is the best known, though equally a controversial theory, the orientation of the pyramid.

5th The construction startsSince the people deal with the pyramids, is puzzled over the construction of these monuments. The statements of Herodotus were illuminated from all sides, especially the described "machine" excited the imagination. But no theory has yet to convince, so you're stuck with the popular thesis that the ramp construction. However, represents the use of ramps insurmountable technical difficulties, so that speculates on merrily.
It is clear that the stones were brought with the help of ships to the site. It has created a channel that leads from the Nile to the foot of the Giza Plateau. A giant causeway of 1,000 m length and 18 m width resulted directly from the port to the plateau, where the stones were unloaded and taken to the pyramid. The causeway was inevitable, because otherwise by the heavy stone blocks the road would be destroyed.

6th Theories for ramp constructionAs already mentioned, the theory of the ramp construction is the most common theory among Egyptologists for pyramid building. There are different models, but so far has been found at any one hook. The explanations that follow all relate to the construction of the Great Pyramid of Cheops, are transferred to well but on the other pyramids. The main problem is the upper layers of stone, because the ramp would be for these stones either too long or too steep.
General problem of all ramp theories are that the work would have on the pyramid must be stopped each time to build the ramp and there is no evidence for the existence of these ramps. Herodotus also reported exclusively by "stages", but not by ramps.
The well-known theory of the straight ramp was set up by Lauer. The problem here is the huge size and the enormous expenditure on the construction of the ramp. Even the small square in front of the Khufu pyramid speaks against this explanation.
Goyon proposes as a solution to the enchanting ramp that runs around the pyramid. Here, less material is needed, even the small space is not a problem but the way to the top stones is enormously long, and the expansion of the ramp would consume much time.
Dieter Arnold presents a thesis, which provides a steep ramp inside. This would explain why no remains have been found of a ramp. Criticisms can be found in the large number of workers who would have been necessary because of the steep slope. Prerequisite for the functioning of such a ramp is an optimal angle of friction. This refers to the inclination angle at which a body slides down by itself. Another weak point is the explanation of how the interior of the pyramid could be built.

A relatively recent proposal is the use of swing lifts. These four swings are used, which were fastened around the stone. This allowed the stones to be rolled up the ramp. The problem with this theory is the wide road to the top of the pyramid, but also the staff costs, which would be associated with this construction technique. Also can not be used to explain how the major blocks of the panel were transported.
A somewhat unusual theory is that of Davidovits and Morris. It says that the stones were "fired" only in place of the pyramid. This would however require a huge supply of wood, but this material was extremely tight in Egypt. However, could thus be explained why no ramps are needed. There are criticisms of the various shapes of the stones of the masonry core. In these shaped stones would not occur. Even with this theory can not explain how the existing granite blocks were made.
There remains the suspicion that it really "machines" - must have been - in whatever form. But even this can be found no evidence except the testimony of Herodotus. I can give at this point, unfortunately, no clear answer to the question of the actual construction techniques.

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