Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Sputnik in astronomical terms "Trabant" and "satellite") was the name of the first ten Soviet satellites reached orbit. Sputnik 1 was the 4th October 1957, the first artificial earth satellite in orbit and is considered the start of the Soviet space exploration. The word Sputnik is one of the 100 words of the 20th Century and in some (especially Eastern European) countries, a synonym for satellite. After Sputnik 10 was no longer the name for the naming of satellites, but only to designate stranded in Earth orbit spacecraft verwendet.Bei the preparations for the International Geophysical Year was announced by the U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower on 29 July 1955 the commission for a space satellite to. The Soviet Union responded only four days later with the announcement of a similar program.On 4th October 1957 - the Western world unexpectedly quickly - the Soviet Union launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in the spherical satellite (diameter 58 cm) Sputnik 1 by using a slightly modified intercontinental ballistic missile of the type R-7. 83.6 kg of heavy earth satellite contained a thermometer and a radio transmitter, which was exactly 21 days active, and a short wave signal (20.005 MHz and 40.003 MHz) radiated. This was to prove that it is possible to locate artificial objects in space. Sputnik was moving in its orbit, first in about 96 minutes once around the Earth. He burned up 92 days after the start, when he entered again into the deeper layers of the atmosphere.

Soviet stamp for the first artificial satellite in spaceThe beeping of Sputnik's signals? / I could be received all over the world. In Western Europe they began Heinz Kaminski in the public observatory in Bochum on first.At the school observatory Rodewisch (Saxony), the Sputnik on 8 October 1957 saw the first time with the help of binoculars [2]. There was on 13 October 1957, the first photograph of the carrier rocket of Sputnik 1 The realization that the Soviet Union was the start of the first artificial earth satellite in the position, dissolved in the West from an immense sense of threat: Sputnik was instantly clear that the U.S. was reached with intercontinental ballistic missiles of the Soviet Union. This technique, known as Sputnik phenomenon led to the creation of NASA in a row and restructuring and increased educational efforts of the Western industrialized nations.

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