Saturday, December 31, 2011

Soldier records Alien UFO over the Vatican !

Soldier records Alien UFO over the Vatican ! 

A soldier grabbed his cell phone quickly and was filming. The material was later broadcast on Italian television.
The men reported on the record that it is their experience is not an airplane, helicopter or balloon could have done - too fast and abrupt, the movements.
At first they thought it would when three lights in delta formation (triangle) move. However, sometimes it looked as though it would be a large triangular ship with lights at the corners.
A few days before appeared in Italy was a crop circle. Some UFO experts have long advocated the theory that aliens trying to communicate with the people through these symbols. 
Have the symbols that we do not yet announced the UFO?
The aircraft disappeared over the Vatican as quietly as it had arrived - in the departure angle of 40 degrees West. Whether it really is an extraterrestrial visit or has it been only position lights of airplanes, is unclear.
In Italy alone, more than  350 similar sightings have been observed and recorded, thousands worldwide.

1 comment:

  1. if the archives could reveal strange phenomena happened in the past we could now read the meanings of the these symbols
